Monday, April 5, 2010

Audre Lorde and the Poetics of Survival (dissertation excerpt)

Happy Monday family!!!! This is not the excerpt that I was planning on sharing from chapter one (I was planning on sending a part of the section on June Jordan's theory of children's literature..which chronologically comes first...), but the Lorde makes her presence knows in many ways.

This excerpt is from a section of my first chapter which is entitled "Survival: An Intervention into Meaning" this section of the chapter looks at poems by Audre Lorde that use survival as key terms (A Litany for Survival, The Brown Menace, On My Way Out I Passed Over You and the Verazzano Bridge, and Prologue) and has a major loving shout out to the reinvocations of A Litany for Survival by the UBUNTU family and the Be Bold Be Red crew!


Audre Lorde and the Poetics of Survival Excerpt

direct link:



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