Monday, January 18, 2010

"The Devil probably could have cut Haiti a better deal than the French did …...


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via guerrilla mama on 1/18/10

"The Devil probably could have cut Haiti a better deal than the French did … After being defeated militarily by revolutionary Toussaint L'Ouverture, the French colonial powers who held Haiti demanded reparations in the form of 150 million gold francs in order to recognize the new, free nation. That number was later, generously of course, reduced to 90 million gold francs, or over $20 billion current U.S. dollars … [Haiti] did not finish paying off the "independence debt" to France until 1947… We use language, like the selective telling of history, to confuse things sometimes. So Haiti becomes "cursed" instead of shackled by a post-Colonial debt that no Western nation ever had to bear."


Haiti Is Cursed — By Our Ignorance (via sedatedm) (via bonesarecoralmade) (via abbyjean)

yeah, it's this that makes me angry when we talk about "forgiving Haiti's debt." We (western nations, but especially France and the US) owe them far more than they could ever owe us.

(via champagnecandy)

(via jadedhippy)


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