Wednesday, December 30, 2009

what first got you to create qbg? what was the inspiration? where do you see qbg going/becoming in 2010?

I've (We've) always been a little different from what we were supposed to be. Instead of trying to suppress that difference or hide, I we have come to celebrate it.

I was always on the outside looking in and as I got older I realized there were more and more black girls who felt that way. I met a lot at Spelman and we were able to create our own universe and our own constellations within a generally hostile and pretty conservative environment. It was awesome!

After we graduated I think we all still yearned for that and sought to realize it in other ways. I met a wonder twin and when our synergistic powers combined, QBG was born!

In 2010 I see QBG blossoming. regional meet & greets, potlucks; we are planning a QBG festival for 2012 . . . I see a book filled with pictures of QBG's and stories of their worlds. . . QBG Corners at concerts and national events... Sky's the limit! I see QBG productions, making movies, books, media for QBG's of all ages! With that in mind, I'd love suggestions on how to make QBG more intergenerational!

Ask me anything

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